Our Mission

The HCCLC exists to teach Hart County public school students the absolute truths of the Bible in a practical way to affect transformational change in their lives. We will prepare them to positively impact their school, family, and community. We will provide a comfortable and yet challenging environment to learn about Jesus Christ and His purpose for their lives.

Biblical Elective Courses. Public School Students.

The Hart County Christian Learning Center is committed to teaching God's unchanging Word in an ever-changing world. The world our students are growing up in wants their hearts and minds. This culture wants our youth to embrace its view of life, of what is right and wrong, and its view of truth. We at HCCLC are committed to pushing back against a culture that's pushing its worldview onto our youth. We are dedicated to teaching students what God says about life, what God says is right and wrong, what God says about truth, and what God says about eternity.

Through our extensive Bible-based curriculum, our teachers will not only introduce students to Jesus Christ but also challenge students to become faithful followers of Him. We will challenge students as we unpack God's Word, showing them that truth and life are found solely in Him! We will address real-life issues such as forgiveness, respect, humility, service, gratitude, relationships, and various other topics essential to character development. We are committed to teaching students the truth and showing them that God has a plan and a purpose for them. We believe God's Word will transform their lives, shaping them into more diligent students, more respectful family members, more productive citizens, and more competent, confident, and content young people.

We Help Students Grow


Equipping our students to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ, understand their identity and purpose in light of the Gospel, and recognize how it shapes the way they see and live in the world around them.


Equipping our students to understand their God-given emotions and regulate them in a healthy and holy way by showing them how the Gospel shapes the whole person and by teaching the students to develop healthy, supportive, and holy relationships


Equipping our students with the knowledge and skills to grow into healthy adults in every walk of life by helping them see how the Gospel impacts the ordinary, every day aspects of our lives, families, education, and occupations.


By supporting students spiritually, emotionally, and socially, we help equip students to reach their God-given potential inside the classroom by setting high academic standards and providing each student the resources they need to excel in all of their academic pursuits.